Show Acknowledgements
The Corowa Pastoral Agricultural and Horticultural Society Inc was established in 1878, 146 years ago, and there have only been a few cancellations over that time, due to the war, one year lack of volunteers and of course two years of Covid.
The Corowa P A & H Society could not continue without the support of members, volunteers, sponsorship, donations and people advertising in the Schedule and for that we are truly appreciative, as there is a considerable expense in running the Show.

Many thanks also to Margaret Ward who has created a beautiful fruit cake each year to be raffled by the Show Society and also to Jenny Horne who has created a wonderful hamper filled with goodies for a raffle that has been truly appreciated by the winners.
A huge thank you to the volunteers who work tirelessly the week before the Show, and of course the Friday, Saturday of the Show without you it would not happen.
To the Stewards in each section and your helpers you are truly appreciated.
Also to the grounds crew Jenni Delany, Geoff LeTet, Bert Watts and Darian Gaffy who have worked many many hours all year to make the grounds so beautiful with their mowing, whipper snipping, burning off to showcase the grounds in such great condition.